Textbook for general introduction to social data science:
- Big by Bit - Social research in the digital age by Matthew J. Salganik [BBB], free online version here.
Textbooks for data science in Python
- Python for Data Analysis, 2nd ed. (2017) by Wes McKinney [PDA]
- Python Machine Learning, 2nd ed. (2017) by Sebastian Raschka & Vahid Mirjalili [PML]
Preparation and Assignment 0
The course begin with your preparation for the teaching. This consists in Assignment 0 which is a learning module and assignment together. In terms of teaching it provides an overview of basic Python and how to use it for data analysis. We also introduce markdown for writing text that allows simple formatting in plain text.
Required reading
- DataCamp 2016, ‘Jupyter tutorial’, available here
- PDA: sections 1.1-1.3, 4.1, 5.1-5.2 as well chapters 2-3.
- Nolan, John. 2015. "How to Write Faster, Better & Longer: The Ultimate Guide to Markdown."
Inspirational reading and other sources for learning
There are many good resources for learning how to master data structuring. See below for two ways of self-learning:
- DataCamp offers further smaller courses on pandas and data structuring
- Rada, Greg. 2013. "Intro to pandas data structures"- read all three sections.
Session 1: Introduction to the course and Python
We introduce the course and provide an overview of logistics. We also introduce git and GitHub that we are working with.
Required readings
Introduction to Social Data Science
BBB: chapter 1
Grimmer, Justin. "We are all social scientists now: how big data, machine learning, and causal inference work together." PS: Political Science & Politics 48.1 (2015): 80-83.
Git - a tool for storing and sharing code
- Jones, Zachery. 2015. "Git & Github tutorial".
Inspirational reading *
If you’re interested, and want to delve deeper into coding and programming (it's optional!), we highly recommend the following posts:
A broad, early, and easy-to-read idea of data driven (social) science:
- Anderson, Chris. 2008. "The end of theory: The data deluge makes the scientific method obsolete." Wired, 16-07.
Sessions 2: Data structuring 1
We learn about data transformation and working with specific data types in pandas: string, missing, categorical and temporal.
Required reading
- PDA: chapter 7 and sections 5.3, 11.1-11.2, 12.1, 12.3.
- PML: chapter 4, section 'Handling categorical data'.
Inspirational reading *
- Lohr, Steve. 2014. "For Big-Data Scientists, ‘Janitor Work’ Is Key Hurdle to Insights"
Session 3: Data structuring 2
We round-off data structuring by learning two powerful tools in data structuring: combining different data sets and the-split-apply-combine framework which is called groupby
in pandas.
Required reading
- PDA: chapters 8 and 10.
Inspirational reading *
- Wickham, Hadley. 2011. “The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis”. Journal of Statistical Software 40(1).
Session 4: Intro to visualization
We introduce visualizations in Python. We use pandas and seaborn. Both these modules are built on the fundamental and flexible plotting module matplotlib.
Required reading
- PDA: chapter 9
- Christ Moffitt, 2017. "Effectively Using Matplotlib"
- Read sections 1-3 in: Wickham, Hadley. 2010. "A Layered Grammar of Graphics". Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Volume 19, Number 1, Pages 3–28.
Inspirational reading *
- Schwabish, Jonathan A. 2014. "An Economist's Guide to Visualizing Data". Journal of Economic Perspectives, 28(1): 209-34.
- Healy, Kieran and James Moody. 2014. "Data Visualization in Sociology". Annual Review of Sociology, 40:105–128.
- Cherdarchuk, Joey. 2013. "Data Looks Better Naked", blog post.
Session 5: Strings, queries and APIs
We start to leverage our python knowledge to make queries on the web. This allows us to pull data directly from Statistics Denmark's API.
Required reading
- PDA: sections 2.3 pp. 39-43, 3.3, 6.1 pp. 178-180, 6.3 and 7.3 pp. 211-213
- Gazarov, Petr. 2016. "What is an API? In English, please."
Session 6: Scraping 1 - Introduction to web scaping
We learn to create and collect datasets from the web. This means interacting with apis and webpages and extracting information from unstructured webpages.
Required readings
Chapter 2: "Working with Web Data and APIs." in Big Data and Social Science: A Practical Guide to Methods and Tools edited by Ian Foster, Rayid Ghani, Ron S. Jarmin, Frauke Kreuter, and Julia Lane.(This can be found under session_6 in teaching material on github).
Shiab, Nael. 2015. "On the Ethics of Web Scraping and Data Journalism". Global Investigative Journalism Network.
Inspirational reading *
Below are some interesting academic papers using data scraped from online sources that might provide inspiration for your exam project.
Stephens-Davidowitz, Seth. 2014. "The cost of racial animus on a black candidate: Evidence using Google search data." Journal of Public Economics, 118: 26-40.
Stephens-Davidowitz, Seth, Hal Varian, and Michael D. Smith. 2016. "Super Returns to Super Bowl Ads?". R & R, Journal of Political Economy.
Stephens-Davidowitz, Seth, and Hal Varian. 2015 "A Hands-on Guide to Google Data." Google working paper.
Barberá, Pablo. 2015. "Birds of the same feather tweet together: Bayesian ideal point estimation using Twitter data." Political Analysis, 23.1: 76-91.
Cavallo, A. (2018). "Scraped data and sticky prices". Review of Economics and Statistics, 100(1).
Bond, Robert M., et al. 2012. "A 61-million-person experiment in social influence and political mobilization." Nature, 489.7415: 295-298.
Session 7: Scraping 2 - Parsing
Here we develop our skills in parsing. This is a fundamental data science skill that goes beyond web scraping alone.
Required readings
- Chapter 2. Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin: Speech and Language Processing (3rd ed. draft)
- Introduction to pattern matching using regex: "An introduction to regex in python. Blog.
Session 8: Scraping 3 - Advanced Scrapers
We become good scrapers being able to automate browsing and using regex but to become great we need to study what others are doing to avoid being scraped. This includes bots, honey traps, AJAX, etc.
Inspirational reading *
- Most Commonly used techniques to Prevent Scraping:
- Advanced Web Scraping Tactics
- Scraping Sites That Use JavaScript and AJAX
- Facebook Scraper 2020: How to Scrape Facebook Group with Python
Session 9: Ethics and Big Data Intro
Session 10: Modeling and machine learning
We introduce basic machine learning (ML) concepts. We start with the simple machine learning models for classification problems.
Required readings
- PML: chapters 1,2 and the following section from chapter 3:
- Modeling class probabilities via logistic regression
Session 11: Regression and regularization
We explain the overfitting problem of modelling. We show one possible solution is regularization of standard linear models.
Required readings
- PML: chapter 3, the following sections:
- Tackling overfitting via regularization
- PML: chapter 4, the following sections:
- Partitioning a dataset into separate training and test sets
- Bringing features onto the same scale
- Selecting meaningful features
- PML: chapter 10, the following sections:
- Introducing linear regression
- Implementing an ordinary least squares linear regression model
- Evaluating the performance of linear regression models
- Using regularized methods for regression
- Turning a linear regression model into a curve – polynomial regression
Session 12: Model selection and cross-validation
We introduce cross validation to gauge overfitting and review the linear model.
Required readings
- PML: chapter 6, the following sections:
- Streamlining workflows with pipelines
- Using k-fold cross-validation to assess model performance
- Debugging algorithms with learning and validation curves
- Fine-tuning machine learning models via grid search
Session 13: Non-linear ML and applications
We give an overview of non-linear machine learning models and outline how machine learning tools can be applied in social science.
Required readings
PML: chapter 6, the following sections:
- Looking at different performance evaluation metrics
- Dealing with class imbalance
Mullainathan, Sendhil, and Jann Spiess. 2017. "Machine Learning: An Applied Econometric Approach." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31 (2): 87-106.
Varian, Hal. 2012 Big Data: New Tricks for Econometrics
Athey, Susan. 2018. The Impact of Machine Learning on Economics NBER
Session 14: Text data
We introduce the concept of Text as Data, and apply our newly acquired knowledge of supervised learning to a text classification problem.
Required readings
PML: following sections from chapter 8:
- Preparing the IMDb movie review data for text processing
- Introducing the bag-of-words model
- Training a logistic regression model for document classification
Gentzkow, M., Kelly, B.T. and Taddy, M., 2019. "Text as data" Journal of Economic Literature 57(3).
Jurafsky, D., & Martin, J. H. (2019). Vector Semantics and Embeddings. Speech and Language Processing, 3rd ed. draft. https://web.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/slp3/6.pdf
Inspirational readings *
Gorrell, Genevieve et al. “Twits, Twats and Twaddle: Trends in Online Abuse towards UK Politicians.” ICWSM (2018). https://gate-socmedia.group.shef.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Gorrell-Greenwood.pdf
Pang, Bo et al. “Thumbs up? Sentiment Classification using Machine Learning Techniques.” EMNLP (2002). https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W02-1011.pdf
: Note: There might be a paywall on some of the inspirational readings. Don't worry if you cannot get access - it is in fact only inspirational.