
This summer course is offered by the Department of Economics together with Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science, both at the University of Copenhagen. This site provides all the necessary course materials that link to the underlying GitHub repository.


This post contain practical information related to each of the three assignments. Check back later for news about deadlines and other assignment related information. All assignments must be handed via Absalon here.

Assignment 0: Available now, here. Deadline July 28 @ 12.00

Assignment 1: Available August 3. Deadline August 6 @ 23.59

Assignment 2: Available August 10. Deadline August 13 @ 23.59

Exam project

When the teaching in our course finishes you are to hand in a project. The formal requirements are found here along with details on grading. The exam period runs until August 24 at 10 AM. In this blog post we want to expand a little bit on how a good project will look. The focus of the project is to pose and interesting question to data that can be collected publicly and attempt to answer it. [Read More]


This class will involve a lot of coding, for which you will need some basic tools. Python and Jupyter notebook A git client A github account We will discuss these tools in much more detail in class, so don’t worry if this is all new and perhaps a bit frightening right now. Python and Jupyter notebook Python is a free programming language. We will use the distribution called Anaconda as it comes with the most essential for working with data, statistical computing and visualizations. [Read More]


Guide to preparations It is necessary that you time preparing for the course. We expect that you have spent up 50 hours on learning basic Python and pandas before we begin teaching, depending on your prior experience. In particular you should do the following (prioritized order): Install anaconda and other software Open Assignment 0 in Jupyter notebook, see this guide on how to open and use a notebook Work on Assignment 0 - try to solve as much as possible When you get stuck then follow the trouble shooting guideline below - start with a) and move to d) Assignment 0 In preparation for the course you are expected to hand in an assignment in Python before lectures begin. [Read More]

Useful Jupyter tips

This post provides a short intro on picking up useful Jupyter hacks. We begin with a short overview of the most essential Jupyter shortcuts and skills. If you have not read the introduction to Jupyter you should do that immediately, see here. Keyboard short cuts Editing and executing cells enter edit mode: click inside the cell or press ENTR exit edit mode: click outside cell or press ESC. executing code within a cell is SHFT+ENTR or CTRL+ENTR (not same! [Read More]